Stories Tagged: Reserve Bank of India

Hinduja Group's Fundraising Plan for Reliance Capital Deal

India's sustainable financing reshapes infrastructure for a greener tomorrow India has pledged... (6 revisions)

Supreme Court Justice Questions Effectiveness of Demonetization in Eradicating Black Money

Ruchir Sharma, Chairman of Rockefeller International, discussed the impact of digitization and... (7 revisions)

BIS Expands World's Instant Payment Systems, Connecting Central Banks

In today's global financial system, emerging economies are gaining prominence, contributing to a... (8 revisions)

Reserve Bank of India's Open Market Operations Plan Surprises Market

The Reserve Bank of India's surprise announcement of its open market operations plan has created... (27 revisions)

Indian Rate Panelists Debate Interest Rate Cut for Sustaining High Growth

The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) monetary policy committee (MPC) is divided over the need for... (35 revisions)